toefl阅读一道试题不知道为什么选这个With the advent of projection,the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peeshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope ,which was a similar

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:15:55
toefl阅读一道试题不知道为什么选这个With the advent of projection,the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peeshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope ,which was a similar

toefl阅读一道试题不知道为什么选这个With the advent of projection,the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peeshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope ,which was a similar
With the advent of projection,the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peeshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope ,which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid(胶片).
Which of the following is mentioned in this paragraph as one of the ways the Mutoscope differed from the Kinetoscrope?
正确选项:A different type of material was used to produce the images used in the Mutoscope.
1.从文章中我根本看不出M 与K不同之处,而文章还用了similar.
2.which 指代谁?

toefl阅读一道试题不知道为什么选这个With the advent of projection,the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peeshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope ,which was a similar
1,的确是similar,但similar的是Kinetoscope和Mutoscope都能reproduced motion.
4.因为kinesoscope用把影像写在strips of celluloid上,而mutoscope把影像写在individual photographic cards上
再解释一下,kinescope产生影像的方式文章没有直说,这里就是容易产生困惑的地方.但文章说了Mutoscope之所以不同就是用individual photographic card这种材料代替strips of celluloid这个材料来产生影像.这句话暗示了除Mutoscope外的其他机器用的材料是strips of celluloid,所以可以认为kinesoscope用把影像写在strips of celluloid上.
关键要看到as it has been...中it指代的是the viewer's relationship with the image,而这个relationship是no longer private.而在as的从句中Kinetoscope和Mutoscope同样是提供successive images.所以as表达了正如...一样的意思.

toefl阅读一道试题不知道为什么选这个With the advent of projection,the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peeshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope ,which was a similar 关于新GRE和TOEFL~我现在大二 本来想这个暑假学G 可是它改新试题了 所以现在的问题是不知道先学托福还是GRE~非常纠结~时间紧迫 《新概念英语》学多少可以考TOEFL?我想考TOEFL但不知道TOEFL的难度概念, toefl阅读错几道25 托福阅读评分 TOEFL 备考托福SAT现在上高一,手头上有了《GRE词汇精选》、《TOEFL词汇》、《SAT11套题》The Staff of Princeton Review 、The Official SAT Study Guide(new sat) 、《SAT 写作专项突破与模拟试题 》,不知道还需要准备 高分! 北京新东方TOEFL寒假住宿班 谁告诉我选哪个啊?(先悬赏100~~~~回答充分的追加50分,说到做到哦~~~)我要报名2009年寒假的北京新东方TOEFL住宿班,不知道[TOEFL寒假基础住宿班]和[TOEFL寒假基础 一道集合题,是2010宣武一摸文数我知道答案选D 但是不知道为什么 一道数学题,我知道答案,但不知道为什么, 为什么TOEFL要加试 TOEFL 写作综合写作的阅读在3分钟之内挤不下来啊 英语toefl tpo 14中的 一篇阅读的一道题不懂,哪个选项是这个句子的统一改写?Certainly,rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited,as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological stat 经济法试题一道(善意占有和恶意占有的界定是知道和未知道)知道和未知道界定不清晰显示有待进一步完善立法 马上要竞赛了,不知道该怎样辅导孩子阅读,麻烦各位多提供点难度大点的三年级阅读试题,最好带答案,呵呵, 一道高中数学题(导数的)我想知道为什么选这个。我要思路…… 【急】一道初中分式简便运算题,我知道答案是什么,但是我不知道为什么得这个数,我算了好多次答案都不一样. 为什么不可以选这个.快速,马上纳取.正确答案我是知道的就是不知道为什么? 怎么样有效地背单词?本人突击SAT和TOEFL本人突击SAT和TOEFL,单词量不太够.手里有一堆词汇书就是不知道怎么背