
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:43:04



This is a fairy tale story written for adults. The little prince comes from a different planet and has only his favorite rose to keep him company. However, the vanity of the rose blessed the little prince’s feelings. The little prince went to many planets and encountered quite a lot of people self-absorbed in their own world, as well as a little fox who is in love with him. The main theme of this book is love. The little prince at last chose to leave the Earth and returned back to the planet where there was this one and only rose. What does it mean to grow up? Simply stated, growing up is to look at fear right in its face and to fully experience it. Only by doing so can we walk through this danger zone and continue onto the next journey to embrace what life has to offer next. The same principle applies to love. Irreplaceable love is the result of one's rational judgment, which becomes clearer over time after two lovers, who have gone through life's ups and downs, still hold firmly onto each other's hands despite all the hardships. Sadly, in our times temptations are everywhere and usually one is not doomed after betrayal, lest paying a small price. Hence, without such a determination in mind one can never find the Mr. Right or Mrs. Right, even with a supply of 5000 roses on hand. In a way, love is a form of courage demonstrated by grown-ups.
A Tale of Two Cities portrays in depth the European aristocracy under the feudal system of the 18th century, exposing vividly to the public the sins of the upper-class members, as how they persecuted and slaughtered the common people without mercy during long periods
of time. Through his pen, Dickens drew up successfully the miserable life of the commoners, who lived under perpetual poverty, sickness and persecution, with no one around to help. Finally, their anger, rage and hatred toward the elites bursted and led them to overturn the regime, which culminated in the French Revolution, a war for freedom. Love can exalt itself by embracing tolerance. According to Derrida, the essence of forgiveness lies in forgiving the unforgivable. Similarly, only by taking in its opposite existence, the hatred, can love recover its full identity and eventually find its way back home. Such is the message conveyed by A
Tale of Two Cities.
注意:A Tale of Two Cities (书名) 要在文中加下划线 或用斜体

求大神翻译.别用金山有道什么的.专业点的.在线等这是一本写给大人们的童话.一个来自不同星球的小王子,.陪伴他的只有一朵他非常喜爱的玫瑰花.但玫瑰花的虚荣心伤害了小王子对她的感情 让我来举一些生活中的例子”用英文怎么说?不用金山,有道啊··觉得怪怪的··呵呵,专业点的· drink up my 我知道是歌名,但我想知道英语翻译成中文是什么意思,别给我用什么有道啊、金山啊的翻译,不行! 英语翻译不要用翻译工具,有道,金山,林格斯,谷歌我都有了.别偷懒,手动翻译. 英语翻译Intelligent heaters of the milk-bottles of lomio lomio是乐妙的英文,大侠们不要去有道,金山什么的翻译,毛都没一个用. 英语翻译要翻译的专业点的~别上来什么如果你虎我什么的,典型的中国英语~ 很好用的翻译软件有没有?不是有道 金山的 简单的英语翻译 尽量翻译准确不要有道金山 谢谢 手机上的电子词典用金山好还是有道好? It not too much to expect that we recognize theIt not too much to expect that we recognize the necessity.我用金山,有道等等翻译得和答案都不一样,希望懂英语的大神讲一下. 最好的英汉翻译软件是什么,出金山、有道、谷歌之外的,有更好用的翻译软件吗? 求翻译英文短句.窒息深海里的温柔 求翻译这句话.别中式英语 别用有道阿、google翻译了告诉我 那都是中式英语. 帮忙翻译这个句子~~要专业点的~速度啊!治疗方法是先注射高晶溶液即林格氏液,再注高胶溶液即低分子右旋糖酐,再分别行多巴胺、间羟胺、生理盐水三种药物静脉注射千万不要给我有道或者 英语翻译别拿金山翻译的谁也看不懂来混分~ 英语翻译they know anyone who is anyone in Aisa 求翻译 谢绝有道金山等 哪一个在线汉译英翻译比较好一些,除有道、金山、goole、翻译的太汉化了 英语翻译有道翻译什么的都是错的, 求 真人发音的英语软件!真人发音!学托福练习口语用,就是纯正的美式发音,可以翻译单词,有道 金山谷歌 就免了,破解版最好,收费不是太贵的都可以,感激不尽 ,