1、换个角度思考,想想英语的奇妙之处,提出你的猜想,找出关键词并说明其奇妙之处.可参照例子.Sample:Why is letter E so important?Because it is the beginning of everything.(everything是关键词,一语双关)Why are

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 22:19:28
1、换个角度思考,想想英语的奇妙之处,提出你的猜想,找出关键词并说明其奇妙之处.可参照例子.Sample:Why is letter E so important?Because it is the beginning of everything.(everything是关键词,一语双关)Why are

1、换个角度思考,想想英语的奇妙之处,提出你的猜想,找出关键词并说明其奇妙之处.可参照例子.Sample:Why is letter E so important?Because it is the beginning of everything.(everything是关键词,一语双关)Why are
Sample:Why is letter E so important?
Because it is the beginning of everything.(everything是关键词,一语双关)
Why are the clocks shy?
Becausethey always have hands over their faces.(hands是关键词,一词多义,既是手又是指针;faces是关键词,一词多义,既是脸又是表盘)
(1)How do those movie stars keep cool in summers?(They have air-conditioners or something else?)
(2)Why is an emply wallet always keeping still?(What do we call small amount of money?)
(3)Why are the rivers verys rich?(Where do we draw our money?)
(4)Where does afternoon always come before morning?(In a useful tool of learning English)
(5)Why are the girls so afraid of the letter (Are girls afraid of being fat?)

1、换个角度思考,想想英语的奇妙之处,提出你的猜想,找出关键词并说明其奇妙之处.可参照例子.Sample:Why is letter E so important?Because it is the beginning of everything.(everything是关键词,一语双关)Why are
问题 (1) How do those movie stars keep cool in summers?(电影明星在夏天是怎样保持凉快的?)
答案:Movie stars have a lot of fans.(在英语中,fans 既可以解作“风扇”,也可以是 fanatics 的简称,即一般人所说的“粉丝”.)
问题 (2) Why is an emply wallet always keeping still?(一个空钱包为甚麼总是静止不动?)
答案:Because an empty wallet has no change.(在英语中,change 既可以解作“零钱”,也可以解作“变化”.)
问题 (3) Why are the rivers very rich?(河流为甚麼那麼富有?)
答案:Because rivers have banks.(在英语中 bank 既可以解作“银行”,也可以是“河岸”.)
问题 (4) Where does afternoon always come before morning?(“下午”在甚麼地方总是会在“上午”前出现?)
答案:In a dictionary.(在英语字典裏,因为英语字典裏的字都是按字母顺序排列,而“下午”的英文单字是 afternoon,它的首个字母是 a,所以总是会排在以字母 m 开头的 morning(上午)前面.)
问题 (5) Why are the girls so afraid of the letter (女孩子为甚麼都对字母 C 敬而远之?)
答案:Because it turns fat into a fact.(因为字母 C 会把肥胖 (fat) 变成事实 (fact) ;意思是说,在 fat 字当中多加一个字母 c 便会成为单词 fact,而 fact 是“事实”的意思.)

1、换个角度思考,想想英语的奇妙之处,提出你的猜想,找出关键词并说明其奇妙之处.可参照例子.Sample:Why is letter E so important?Because it is the beginning of everything.(everything是关键词,一语双关)Why are 以“换个角度思考”为题,写出文章的第一段150字左右.急用阿! 作文《换个角度思考》 600字左右 有亲身经历 夹叙夹议 换个角度思考问题还有如何学会逆向思维? 演讲稿《换个角度思考你会更快乐》 怎样让自己换个方式换个角度思考问题 换角度思考 成功的名人例子{简单的} 以换角度思考为话题的作文怎么写 孔子有没有关于换个角度来思考的名言?孔子有没有关于换个角度来思考的名言语录?有就说出来 我要的是内容不是有就行了的~ 一个有三只眼睛、两张嘴、四只耳朵、八条胳膊、十条腿的东西是什么?(换个角度思考) 泉州篇 p19换角度想想 化学奇妙之处 上帝之眼,换个角度看世界对对子 《生命之线》的意义想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想想xxxxxxxx 激发潜能的方法,(政治作业上的题目)积极的——、善于反思、————、树立自信,换个角度思考等 狐假虎威是一则家喻户晓的寓言,讲的是狐狸凭自己智谋逃出虎口的故事.如果我们换个角度思考,你能得出什么寓意? 请帮忙找一篇有关换个角度看问题的英语文章 对换角度思考问题是十分必要的这句话的理解