
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:43:23


The Company accounts its income taxes in the balance sheet liability method. The Company determines the tax base when acquiring assets or liabilities. In case of any temporary difference between the carrying value of assets or liabilities and their tax base, the incurred deffered income tax assets or liabilities will be recognized as stipulated by the ABSE No. 18-Income Tax.
The Company prepays its income taxes quarterly and clears accounts at the close of a fiscal year.
The Company pays its income taxes independently.

The corporate income tax accounting adopt balance sheet debt law. The company ascertains the whose meter tax basis when getting assets and liabilities. Than the assets and liabilities, book value coun...


The corporate income tax accounting adopt balance sheet debt law. The company ascertains the whose meter tax basis when getting assets and liabilities. Than the assets and liabilities, book value counting the provisionality difference that tax there exists in basis, according to being in debt in connection with assets or deferred income tax what stipulate , affirm comes into being deferred income tax "criteria for enterprise accounting income tax 18th". Income tax captures our company mark crop in advance , converge in year-end calculate out clearly capture time, income tax amount of tax to be paid stopping capturing, my one year inner pays; Income tax amount of tax to be paid paying much, my one year inner is supported capture. Our company income tax adopts the way being independent paying duty pay.


审计报告中译英-所得税公司所得税的会计核算采用资产负债表债务法.公司在取得资产、负债时,确定其计税基础.资产、负债的账面价值与其计税基础存在的暂时性差异,按照《企业会计准则 结转所得税费用的会计分录? 基础会计的所得税费用和根据应纳税所得计算的所得税有何不同 企业应交所得税的会计分录怎么做啊 我们公司是餐饮公司核定征收营业税,所得税,会计分录怎么处理啊核定的营业额大于实际营业额会计分录怎么做啊 资产负债表债务法 所得税资产负债表债务法下 所得税费用是按照会计的口径核算的 应缴税费应缴所得税是按照税法的口径计是什么意思 关于递延所得税负债和递延所得税资产的会计处理问题初级会计实务上有一个关于递延所得税的例题,因为只是一带而过,没有详细的说,所以有点看不懂.请高手指教例题如下:甲公司递延所得 所得税费用的含义? 关于会计初级里 递延所得税的问题 下面这道题我完全看不懂 主要概念也不理解吧,具体是初级里156页有一个例题 ,甲公司递延所得税负责年初数十400000元,年末数十500000元,递延所得税资产年 所得税费用和企业所得税的区别?所得税费用计提,缴纳,结转的会计分录? 按25%的所得税税率计算本月应交所得税. 利息所得税是什么,以及利息所得税与利息税的区别? 请问CPA会计中所得税一章,我们在计算所得税时是调整的利润总额,这跟资产计税、负债计税有什么关系 会计中的净利润等于利润总额减去所得税费用 这个所得税是包括企业所得税和个人所得税吗 汇算清缴所得税会计分录想问现在汇算清缴的会计分录应该怎么做? 1、企业计算应交所得税时,正确的会计分录是()所得税费用贷:应交税费我认为是借:所得税费用贷:银行存款错在哪?为什么不贷记银行存款?2、“主营业务收入”贷方登记企业销售产品、 还有一题,(三)杭州经贸公司于2009年1月设立,采用资产负债表债务法核算所得税费用,适用的所得税税率为20%,该公司2009年利润总额为600万元,当年发生的交易或事项中,会计规定与税法规定存在 不交税的还用利润总额减去所得税费用吗我们公司一般不交税