我有篇英语作文不知怎么写?题目是这样的,Rural Workers:A Mixed Blessing for the city希望各路高手能帮帮忙,我今天就想要!这篇文章主要是要谈论关于民工在城市的利与敝的问题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 11:29:03

我有篇英语作文不知怎么写?题目是这样的,Rural Workers:A Mixed Blessing for the city希望各路高手能帮帮忙,我今天就想要!这篇文章主要是要谈论关于民工在城市的利与敝的问题
题目是这样的,Rural Workers:A Mixed Blessing for the city

我有篇英语作文不知怎么写?题目是这样的,Rural Workers:A Mixed Blessing for the city希望各路高手能帮帮忙,我今天就想要!这篇文章主要是要谈论关于民工在城市的利与敝的问题
1. 20世纪90年代以来,大批民工流入沿海大城市
2. 民工对城市的建设所做的贡献
3. 民工的大量流入可能带来的问题
(1The early-1990s finds an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities such as Shanghai,Guangzhou,and Beijing.(2)According to a recent survey,in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.
(3)There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers.(4)No one denies the important contribution rural workers have made to the urban development.(5)They have done most of dirty,dangerous and underpaid jobs in heavy industries,construction sites and other fields that city residents are unwilling to enter.(6)They have become an indispensable part of urban life to a point where the machinery of a city connot operate without those cogs,though small and unnoticed.(7)Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urban consciousness.(8)City residents complain that migrant workers have worsened traffic and sanitation problems and have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.(9)They also blame them for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.
(10)Despite the problems posed by migrants,one thing is certain:a grand,prosperous edifice of the city is based on the work of millions of migrant workers.
TV:A Blessing or a Curse
1. 电视已成为人们生活中不可缺少的东西
2. 电视给人们带来的是福是祸
3. 我的看法
My View on the Construction of the Three Gorges Dam
1. 三峡工程的优点
2. 三峡工程的缺点
3. 我的看法
Prospect of the New Age of Science and Technology
1. 新世纪的科技发展迅速
2. 新科技对社会产生的影响
1. 我的看法

1)Computers have become increasingly popular in the recent years. (2)According to the chart, in 2000, 68% of families owned computers, compared with 25% in 1995 and only 4% 10 years ago.
(3)Like T...


1)Computers have become increasingly popular in the recent years. (2)According to the chart, in 2000, 68% of families owned computers, compared with 25% in 1995 and only 4% 10 years ago.
(3)Like TV, computers benefit people hugely. (4)With the computer, the home will become a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center. (5)All transactions, from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically and all information, from train schedules to discount-price goods, will be as close as the press of a key. (6)In addition to providing us many of the facilities and services we now must , with the Internet, the computer will even let us communicate directly with other homes and with information sources worldwide. (7)Despite the increase in efficiency and convenience generated by the computer, the changes it brings could very well lead to potentially adverse consequences. (8)For example, as nearly all activities could be conducted in the comfort of our homes, we could all become hermit-like, never feeling any need to leave the house. (9)This would be unfortunate because our children especially will become so addicted to computers that they might never be exposed to social interaction.
(10)Unquestionably, the challenge of the home computer means we all should consider how we can control it, so that it won’t control us.

The Positive and Negative Aspects of Skyscrapers
1. 许多城市竞相建造摩天大楼
2. 人们对建造摩天大楼有不同的看法
3. 我的看法
(1)In recent years with fast economic growth, many skyscrapers have appeared in big cities of China. (2)People’s attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.
(3)Some think of them as a sign of economic progress and a miracle of modern architecture. (4)They also believe that building skyscrapers helps to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city, for they can obtain the maximum space per square meter of ground and meanwhile offer to the tenants offices and apartments that please them. (5)Yet others, speak of the problems skyscrapers have brought. (6)They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception, blot out the sun and create many dark sunless streets. (7)Besides, excessively large masses of human beings working in a single gigantic building overburden public transportation. (8)Lighting, heating, and air conditioning strain energy supplies, to the extent that skyscrapers become lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. (9)Worst of all, their reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films raise the temperature of the surrounding air.
(10)With these problems and the effect the skyscrapers has exerted on the environment, more and more people have begun to wonder whether skyscrapers are necessary or desirable.
Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?
1. 有的人赞成安乐死
2. 有的人安乐死的合法化
3. 我的看法
(1)Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death, or “mercy killing” as we call it recently has made the headlines frequently. (2)Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be legalized.
(3)As is pointed out, to practice euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family. (4)To a terminally ill person who is suffering excruciating pains day and night or living “ like a vegetable”, to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release. (5)To his family it is also a big relief considering the financial and emotional drain on them that having to sustain his life entails. (6)However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. (7)Is it humane, for example, that a terminally ill patient is thus caused to feel guilty for remaining alive because he does not want to die? (8)Is it wise that a patient is killed alive simply because of a mistaken terminal diagnosis? (9)And is it possible that euthanasia could be taken advantage of for some ulterior or even criminal purposes?
(10)Since the legalization of euthanasia will raise serious moral and social issues, the decision our society makes about euthanasia will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in society


我有篇英语作文不知怎么写?题目是这样的,Rural Workers:A Mixed Blessing for the city希望各路高手能帮帮忙,我今天就想要!这篇文章主要是要谈论关于民工在城市的利与敝的问题 题目是我英语作文怎么写 这样题目的作文怎么写? 一篇作文不知咋写:题目是《我与XX的距离》 命题作文怎么写?学校布了几篇作文《双眼皮》《脸为什么这样红》这样的作文怎么写啊《脸为什么这样红》我可以以不要害羞为主题《双眼皮》就不知该写什么了... 写雷锋的作文题目怎么写?记住,是作文题目.有作文可以写上,我会提高悬赏的! 关于感动父母的作文题目我要写作文,可不知写什么题目, 作文题目是:《我的“作文糖”》应该怎么写 作文题目是:《我的“作文糖”》应该怎么写 作文题目是:《我的“作文糖”》应该怎么写 作文题目是:《我的“作文糖”》应该怎么写 英语作文题目:我的理想是当一名警察 怎么写,急 这样写作文会不会离题啊作文题目是 有一朵很漂亮的花 但花上有凋谢的痕迹 我写的是学会放弃 内容大概是人不可能完美 有时候要选择放弃 才能走向成功 我考试的时候不知怎么搞的 乱 作文题目自拟就是随便写作文,可我不知写什么好。 我要写一篇关于塑料袋环保的作文,但题目不知怎写?急回答后,重重有赏 小作文题目是我的好朋友.用英语写. 有关好习惯作文的题目急`````我写了篇关于养成写读书心得好习惯的作文,就是题目不知和从下手,求各位大哥大姐给点有内涵的题目,谢谢啦! 我最近好烦,作文好烦,不知怎么写题目;我我与书为伴