
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:28:19
近体诗是对唐代形成律诗绝句通称.与古体诗相对,句数、字数平仄、用韵有严格规定,从形式说有啥和啥之分 I'll share a story with you this class,one ____ music can touch one's soul and change one's life.A.thatB.whenC.whichD.where这道题标答是D,但是为什么呢? 有人帮我读英语吗录音给我She is a student who major in computer network in guilin landscape professional college .she had received a computer class certificate and putonghua certificate.The lessons she had learned are PS,webpage making and 英语翻译(我还在意你,) 在宾语从句中,为什么if 后用any,而不用some? 你这样我会很担心的你知道吗 用英语翻译 英语翻译 请问the active young man has to continue his new journey in no time 里的has to做什么用?the active young man has to continue his new journey in no time in stead of stopping to take a rest.原句翻译是:年轻人没有停下来休息,而 天空不留下鸟的痕迹,但我已飞过. 有个英文单词:读音为”杰弃“但我具体忘了是什么单词?有相近的统统发上来, 【【收集】】英语收集,求带有元音【i:】发音的单词【求大神解答】要求:50个,若没有也请说几个,一个小时在线等待, I am ( ).A.an English B.English C.English boy People say that Shen Nong discovered tea.变被动语态 People say that there is a strange creature in the Himalayas.改成被动语态 天空没有留下鸟的痕迹 表现了怎样的感情?难过的时候说这句话是什么意思如果加上下一句"但我已飞过"表达的意思有没有变化呢还有就是整首诗原文 兔子的英语单词是怎么发音的拜托各位大神 if引导的从句中为什么some要改成any?还有谁解释下There are only a few,if any. if引导的条件状语从句用some还是用any?两本书讲得都不一样,我快弄糊涂了.如If you have____(some,any)questions,I will help you. 1937年8月28日作文 做判断划线部分读音是否相同怎么做方法 区分英语单词划线部分读音,写出有几种读音 这种题的做题技巧例子:1.A.yet B.yes C.cry D.silly (Y划横线)写出这道题的Y有几种读音并讲讲做这种题的技巧 as a resulf 和as a result of "欢迎观看我的相册"英语怎么说?请把正确的写给我,要标准的.要不我不知选哪个?要投票啊观看也可以用进入 The boy witnessed___the young man enter the building.A.having seen B.to haveing seen C.to have seen D.seen包括句子的分析什么的,感觉很混乱……已经有一个witness见证了 为什么还会有一个see? The two young men begin to run ____ the building when they see a policeman The girl with short hair looks like her father .(对划线部分提问)划线部分with short hair jenny is a girl with short .blonde hair.为什么填with what happened to the girl with short hair?是什么意思?英文怎样回答? 请问variation和variety的辨析?这是高二的单词~ variety和quatity的用法区别(1/2)a variety of .varieties of和a quatity of .quatities of接复数名词时,谓语(2/2)动词单复数的区别 various varied variety用法上的区别 如何巧妙的记忆variation 和 variety有没有什么联想法或谐音法来记?