
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 08:25:15
在一根长100厘米的木棍上,自左至右每隔6厘米染一个红点,同时自右至左每隔5厘米染一个蓝点,有多少个点同时染了红色和蓝色?要数式 在一根长100厘米的木棍上,自左至右每隔6厘米染个红点,同时自右向左每隔5厘米染个蓝点,有多少个点染红蓝 在一根长100厘米的木棍上,从左向右每个6厘米染一个红点,同时从右向左每隔5厘米然一个蓝点,有多少个点同 barrier,barricade,hinderance有什么区别 Jackie Chan makes____movies. I'm Gonna Get You feel 接什么 I'm gonna get laid.老见美剧里有这句话,怎么理解呢? 绿茵球赛场上参赛选手的表现,有使你不禁想到成语( )和( )和( )是三个括号 近义词:机警( ) 响亮( ) 敏捷( ) 反义词:敏捷( ) 干净( ) 勉强( ) yourself your让别人介绍自己是introduce yourself还是introduce yourPlease ____ ____ to everybody. 绿茵场上参赛选上的表现,使你想起成语 our sales information is processed by c百度知道 cycling pass to our streets 还是 cycling access to our streets?英语 is it right to be honest about your privacy 求黄靖在前度里面的一些歌 I'm a little girl 和you are everything in i do 发到我的邮箱 相信你已经收到我们昨天发的邮件 英语 charity workers will rase more c____ for the poor people.She folded up her clothes and put them into s_______. 求前度的黄靖的《You are in Everything I Do》和林二汶的After all,lukiya1013@yahoo.cn 求前度插曲《you are in everything i do》《after all》》《Little girl in the world》邮箱 404379940@163.com Did you call on Bob's on your way home?.是对是错,请指教. 某某公司新开了个子公司,旗下有三个部门:产品部(Product Department),销售部(Sales Department),办公室(Office).产品部共需100台主机,销售部50台,办公室48台.公司申请了一个网段192.168.1.0/24,现要求给这 I have a pencil sharpener 怎样变否定句为什么这样变详细说明 I h___ a stranger on my way home this morning. chemistry help!在密闭容器中,一部分装入2.3g Na,另一部分装入HgO,同时加热两部分,若加热后容器内的空气成分不变(假设空气主要成分有N2和O2组成),那么装入容器中的HgO的质量为:A.21.66g B.20.06g a problem helpMost of old houses ____in the last five years .A pulled down B have been pulled down C were pulled downKey:Dwhy ,I need grammar "Toner for dry skin"和"emulsion for dry skin"的意思? DRY-VERY DRY NORMAL SKIN NORMALES HAAR REINIGT SCHONEND AND PFLEGT MILD是什么意思. 雅漾一40ml装 上面写着for dry to very dry sensitive skin 价格在两百多 可能是雅漾哪一款产品? His brain(看起来功能正常) 求英文翻译 My present英语作文 时间several days ago now in a few days 内容be busy /do a lot of exercises haveexams have a good rest go sightseeing 80字 ( )32.I often ____ the cleaning after school.Now I ____ the cleaning,too.A:do,doing B:( )32.I often ____ the cleaning after school.Now I ____ the cleaning,too.A:do,doing B:am doing,do C:do ,am doing D:am doing,am doing