
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:34:31
关于I have just和he is just,Penny:'I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel.'Grandmother:Eh?Penny:He says he's just arrived in Scotland.He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel.You know he's a member of the Y.H.A.新概念 This is just________ I shall have.A.whatB.the thing whatC.thatD.the very thing which为什么选A,求详解 Daming is just a student and he does't have any work e( )括号里填什么,为什么 用already,ever,never,just,yet 填空1.I have___seen such interesting film.It's great.2.He is ill,he eats___a little.3.How delicious the food Yes,I have___had it. he just have to.这句话对不对 最多牙齿的动物是谁? 我们都是好孩子 歌词王筝的 我们都是好孩子的歌词! 牙齿最多的动物是什么 最多牙齿的动物是? 解释句子成分:"I have just received a letter from my brother."为什么just放在received前? I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim..语法错误I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.He is in Australia.He lived in it for six months.我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信,他正在澳大利亚.他在那儿已经住了6个 I have just received a letter from my brother ,tim 一定要用完成式吗?出自新概念第二册第四课用 I just received a letter from my brother或 I just receive a letter from my brother 不行吗我怎么感觉 新概念第二册 不少完 句子辨析:I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.I just have received a letter from my brother,Tim.两句是否一样.第二句just在前, 我们都是好孩子的作文,400字左右.跪求啊~ 我们都是好孩子好孩子好孩子, 我们恰好是邻居(翻译)we ______ ______ ______ neighbors. 英语翻译是we are neighbour吗? 英语翻译你的邻居怎么样`____________________________翻译 英语翻译《击邻家之子》 有人于此,其子强梁不才,故其父笞之.其邻家之父,举木而击之,曰:“吾击之也,顺于其父之志.”则岂不悖哉! 童年的生活经历往往会给人带来一辈子的影响.课外选择一本写名人童年的书来读,并 求《成功之花》作文 与人生有关的,例如一些名人的成功经历等等 ask,please,for,your,teacher,your,key Please ask your teacher for( )A.more informations B.many informationC.much informations D.more information please (ask) your teacher.处为一单词. 我爱你怎么用英语表示 I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.其中have不能省略吗?什么情况下用have,可以的话希望总结下规律. I just _____(received )a letter from my brother , Tim .划横线部分该怎么填 关于爱情的词.2 - - 4个字 要新颖 好懂的我是用啦做网站域名 两个字的嘛 What about ask your English teacher for an English book?找出句中错误并改正. book your ask the tcacher english for连成句子谢谢 词海拾贝(在括号里填字组成词)你懂滴哦( )先( )后( )峰( )立傲然( )( )怦然( )( )悠然( )( )( )然( )( )