
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:26:26
These are my suitcases改为一般疑问句 __your suitcases be drawn to的意思例句:Although Christmas was not a significant festival for ordinary middle-aged Chinese,Cui Shaoqi found himself drawn to the spirit of the occasion.特别是found himself drawn这里drawn的意思. 请问最后一句 huntera continue to be drawn 这个为什么用be draw请问最后一句 huntera continue to be drawn 这个为什么用be drawn ro the cave?继续挖洞不就行了,为什么用了一个被动形式be drawn to the caves? 连词成句: are photogaaphs here the __________________________________ photographs are here the 连词成句 are photograph here the连词成句 has down this by No smoking 中smoking 是名词还是动名词? he,or,a,student,is,teacher,a 连词成句 问:亚特兰蒂斯为什么沉入海底? 为什么亚特兰蒂斯会沉入海底 亚特兰蒂斯是什么时间沉到大西洋海底的,.亚特兰蒂斯是什么时间沉到大西洋海底的, 像独具匠心这样的词语10个 学完新概念第三册够考六级用吗 \妈祖灵签第二签,观音灵签第二十签,问姻缘,观音灵签是我自己求的,妈祖灵签是老爹帮忙求的,都是2010年12月求的,目前单身,望各位赐教.观音二十签→中签→古人→姜太公遇文王→辰宫诗曰: 妈祖灵签22签本人求姻缘.望大虾明示.第二二签:丁未:属水利冬,宜其北方.太公家业八十成,月出光辉四海明,命内自然逢大吉,茅屋中间百事亨.解曰:凡事先呆,得贵 人吉,作事先呆后吉,家事 学会英语新概念123册,能考过英语六级吗?null 请问我只想过英语六级,不要求高分,学完新概念第三册可以吗?我只是想过六级,只要及格就可以 今年大三,要考六级,学新概念有利于考六级吗? taller怎么造句 I am pretty it?May be too confident I can be a lot of people say that I am piaolian长的漂亮不如活的漂亮! i am confident that he would want to meet his maker分析句子成分that he would want to meet his maker这句作整个句子什么部分啊, i am (confident )that you would succeed as a lawyer. 生物学有哪些分支和边沿学科? my pen was lost in somewhere.这句话的was可以省略么?变成my pen lost in somewhere?也是对的? 动听前面加什么重叠词 【】动听【括号中填叠词】 请问product和produce作名词时可以换用吗? .A can can can what can be caned the man with the big m_s_l_s ,这英语题谁会? 用be busy doing,mind doing,enjoy doing,can't help doing 这些单词一起造四个句子怎么造 ●【translation】What's the English for "重出江湖"?Who knows?You can try 听说外语版的早期活跃人物,实力派专家 “成功领路”要重出江湖了?那么"重出江湖"怎么翻译?"重出江湖"