来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:29:08
You___about the future now,___you?A.don`t think,don`t B.aren`t thinking,aren`t C.don`t think,doD.aren`t thinking,are Aren’t you worry about that?这个句子对吗 Aren’t you worry about that?这个句子对吗,是不是应用用don't如果是are you worried about that 的或,因为worried可以解释为形容词,那这句子就可以是系表结构了。 The shadow is very long in the evening 改为感叹句 What are ging to do?——We are going to __________. how do you define a love poem? 写出下列动词的第三人称单数和现在分词形式1.go ___ ___ 2.listen ___ ___3.read ___ ___ 4.drink ___ ___5.wash ___ ___ 6.look ___ ___7.open ___ ___ 8.hop ___ ___ 分别写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词!wash flydrawchasefallgetputlisten large amounts of information 后面用的是单数还是复数? a large sum of money后谓语动词用单数还是复数 蒲松龄的狼第二则作品介绍 蒲松龄的课文狼,译文 蒲松龄 狼 如果你是是课文中的狼 你会怎么办狼 蒲松龄 原文:一屠晚归,担中肉尽,止有剩骨.途中两狼,缀行甚远.屠惧,投以骨.一狼得骨止,一狼仍从.复投之,后狼止而前狼又至.骨已尽矣,而两 Is there a Chinese m______ on the wall? There is a m____ of China on the wall.Can you g___ the meaning of the word?Have a good rest and try to r___ yourselves. 哪位高人可以帮我写一篇以"A mother's love never changes母爱永恒"为题目的英语文章?请本着崇尚科学的宗旨,不要随便对付谢谢!本人现在非常急!不但要快还要质量高!哪位英语高手能帮帮ME Look!There is a m___on the wall.(根据首字母填空) 六年级第二学期地理练习册P12答案!急 混蛋用英语怎么说 There is a c()on the wall What are you going to do today? are you going to what do today?顺序乱了正确的是什么包括are you going to what do today?顺序乱了正确的是什么包括中文意思. the river,____are covered with trees,is very long.which banks 2.who's banks 3.of which banks 4.the banks of which搞不清楚为什么C选项一定要用the banks才是正确的. what are you going to do today?I am goingwhat are you going to do today?I am going to see a film.where are we going?To the bookstore.I am going to buy a new comic book.中文翻译, 单句改错 The river,whose the banks of which are covered with trees,is very long the river whose banks are covered with trees is very long,这个句子咋改写当先行词指物时 whose可用of whivh the 名词或者 the 名词 of which 来替换两种改法都告诉我 ,顺便说下原因, study的过去式是什么? study(过去式) "study"的过去式只要这个单词的过去式啊 hang当挂的时候过去式是什么? 闲逛hang out的过去式到底是hanged out还是hung out?网上查了说是hung out,可是初二英语书上明明写着hanged out. 感恩的心小故事 hang的一般过去式