
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:38:44
What are your hobbies?Do you think your living style is a healthy one?Why (not)?写一篇文章,时间大约为3分钟. 杨洁篪篪字具体怎么写?发三声对吧?他具体怎么写呢? 我国与其他国家接壤的省级行政单位有哪些?着急! 我国省级行政单位有( )个,共有( )个陆地相邻的国家 我国与哈萨克斯坦,阿富汗等国家接壤的省级行政单位是什么? 完成句子:They walked quickly and _____for help. They s____for help when they smelled smoke._____里填什么,是要s开头的. 哪位好心人帮忙翻译下 小弟英语水平有限 学业要求急需翻译如下段落Based on the superstructure framework illustrated in Fig.1,var-ious kinetic models are deduced as shown in Tables 1a and 1b(for reaction A)and Tables 2a and when they have traveled 560 miles,how many towns have they passed? i'm holding you forever 是那首歌的歌词如题 I'll be holding you Forever是啥意思?俺没读什么书看不懂, He said he was ready to give a job to me__I could assure him I intended today.A.as far as B.because C.so long as D.until You'll be holding me And I will be holding you Do you think you care for me? Do you care for a night cap? geh zum 德语? 2011届山西英语口试时间是什么时候?历年来口试的内容一般包括什么?有经验的前辈指点下容易么?评分标准是什么?包括外貌么? 沾衣欲湿杏花雨 吹面不寒杨柳风的后二句背景是什么 沾衣欲湿杏花雨 吹面不寒杨柳风的背景 "I can't eat the food.It has chocolate in it."合为一个单句要怎样写? Lucy can't rat food.It has chocolate in it 合并句子 puts it in the food and say,"Eat,coat!"这句话应怎么翻译 求英语大神编一个3人的英语对话,根据下面的内容.明天英语口试啊,话题是这个求大神啊.真心急用What makes you feel stressed out?Imagine that you are a psychologist and you are asked to give advice to a group of studen 2014上海英语口试 2014.1.4今天上午口试都碰到什么题目呀?求考过的大神分享~ In the survey they listed twelve kinds of food ___would affect the work of the brain.A.that were believed B.which the experts believedC.the experts believed that D.the experts believedwhy the answer is B not the meat smells (t )you musn一瞥t eat it 参加英语口试有什么好处求大神帮助 “秦王扫六合”所述的哪一历史事件 写一段话Write a brief account of your movie taste能不能改短一点 2008年8月1日8点50分用天干地支怎么表示啊? give an account of .是个固定短语吗? 在哪能买到比尔盖茨的《未来之路》?本人想拜读一下.谁家有二手版本的也可以.