
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:57:12
How much is the skirt?(改为复数句)The chairs are (yellow).(对括号部分提问)When do you watch TV?(用she代替you改写句子)(The woman in red)is Li Ming's mother.(对括号部分提问)Susan likes to eat carrots (because It's her skirt.(变为复数句) There are too many people in the doctor's waiting room We have to wait u------- it is our turn填空 谢谢 There're many patients in the doctor's waiting room.They're waiting for the doctor____.A.comes B.come C.to come D.coming take a early bath then take a it takes courage to take a bath什么意思 frank take a bath?frank takes a bath?哪个对? how many people are there in the story? how many people are there in the dialogue什么意思 how many people are there in the picture? how many people are talked in the passage It is a yellow leaf 的复数句急 监控是机房重地,无关人员不可进入,看护、正确使用设备 英语怎么说 求美国地图(英文)中小城市最好包括, take a bath 与 take a shower区别是啥? take a bath怎么读 There were ____people in the street at midnight,so he drove fastA.a few B.few C.little D.a little为什么 我现在高一.英语烂的很想自己学新概念英语一光背单词和所有课文能提高吗? 英语翻译其大略如此.朕顾思之,恐不免斯过.公卿待臣,可书之于笏,知而心谏也. 英语翻译每个时期,都有人陪我们走过.我们每天都过着不同的生活.我们哭过,笑过,也迷茫过.但是,花总会开的,雨总会停的.看天边云卷云舒,望庭前花开花落.我们是永远的朋友!谁能帮忙翻译得 lot/were/there/a/people/of/the/cinema/in连词成句 帮忙把这句话翻译成英文的 要口语点 谢谢!“我不知道我们之间出了什么问题?这几天你变的很奇怪.不要说你累了,你很冷淡.” 读下面的小故事,说说资本家、萧伯纳的话个包含着什么意思.在一次宴会前的演讲中,当轮到长得很瘦的作家萧伯纳发言时,一个大腹便便的资本家讥笑他说:“啊,萧伯纳先生,一见到您,我就知 英国人,美国人等外国人随处可见用英语怎样说 翻译 今天不是3月21日 为英语 They have to build another bridge over the river.改为被动语态 Another bridge------to be ---- There will be a new bridge over the river.(改为一般疑问句) A new bridge will _____ across the river .A.be building B.be built C.build要写出原因 Zhejiang will build a bridge the Qiantang River.A.over B.on C.across D.above E.t 将主动语态改为被动语态.1.They are building a new bridge over the river.2.The postman delivered a将主动语态改为被动语态.1.They are building a new bridge over the river.2.The postman delivered a newspaper this morning.3.My mother 与萧伯纳玩的小女孩叫什么?