
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:48:14
My brother works in a firm .There are 2000 workers in tne firm(合并为一句)My brother works in a firm _____ there are 2000 workers(填which还是where)求解析 He works in a firm down South.我一直有个疑问,down是不是表示朝南的方向呢?比如I will walk down the road.指的是朝南走吗? 小时代里的neil?小时代里的neil为什么总是在衣柜里啊?每次顾里或林萧开衣柜门的时候都要让他出来? 是什么令你讨厌了?求英文翻译 你讨厌说谎的人吗?英文翻译 你说你讨厌我,那你就别说喜欢我啊.英语翻译 感谢母校的优美语句越快越好 形容感谢母校的词 “朴”这个字当姓氏念什么? A system look for technological innovation:firm based perspective Area Based Grant怎么翻译?英国规划法案当中的 感恩母校的优美句子 下面字作姓时读什么音:1,朴.2,区.3,华.4,任 形容感谢母校的词不要句子. he is my father's brother.改为同义句is anna your sister?做出否定回答 表示幸福的笑的成语 形容男生笑的成语最好是四个字的,两个字的也行.或者是一句简短的话.最主要的是要形容男生,不要形容女生的那种. 求英文诗歌推荐我没读过多少英文诗,所以各位朋友请推荐几首(8首左右),不要太长最好有中文对照我喜欢的一首When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire,take down this 韩国人的姓“朴”到底是读“pu"还是读“piáo"? 大学英语三级笔试难度是什么样的?难不难 谁能帮我翻译?what brand china oven do u represent? “what do you do! What did you do? what did you.do 四年级古诗绝句的意思?作者介绍? DSP程序 0x00000001u 比如,DSP宏定义中:#define PINMUX0_31_28 0x00000001u 请问,这个最后的u是什么意思, 法律取得A本是什么意思 B.A. in law 是什么意思?原句是:“Requirements:1.Education background and degree-level: B.A. in law”是在一个招聘广告上看到的一句话,没看懂,望各位贤能之士解答~ 恳求您帮我写篇文吧!GREAT CHINA BEAUTIFUL TIANJIN 高中英语选择疑难(81)_________,his parents sent her to study abroad.A、Though lacking money B、Though money was lackingC、Though they lacked of money D、For lack of money Do you manage your behaviour based on what other people think? In other people eye, you are not what does that 、in my eyes, you are my one slice啥意思啊