
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 20:23:02
can we make some other day?这里的some用法是怎么样的谢谢! This is kangkang speaking 啥意 sweet dreams 到底讲了些什么manson的sweet dreams到底讲的什么内容 比如背景一类的还有beautiful people也没太懂..难道只是对曾经一首歌的翻唱? 求一CF六个字母英文名,.要有点含义的那种 六个字母的英文名女的.要两个.字母开头一个为D,另一个为M能附上音译就更好了 求英语达人!关于英文名我原名eleven.想改一个叫法相似的,是叫alvin,elvin,还是其他什么的比较好呀? 求英语达人起英文名原来是Julone不过不知道怎么念,感觉有点像“猪笼”很难听.后来是Justin不过太没创意了... 求英语达人帮忙起英文名本人的名字后两个字是雅洁,希望能起一个好听又带谐音的英文名,当然如果名字意思好就更完美啦~ 详细的理由:__________the teachers in their school______ about 200.a.the number of ,isb.a number of ,isc.the number of ,ared.a number of ,are the teachers in their school is about 200 and most of them are teachers.A.A number of ; women B.A number of ; woman C.The number of ; women D.The number of ; woman boat中的ts是什么音标 We have a lot of---(tradition)festivals in china. 以My new school写一篇英语作文? 英语作文my new school year 英语翻译million new babies every year .selling educational toys should be easy.beijing-china has a growing middle class,a tradition of expecting education and 21million new babies every year .selling educational toys should be easy. 请问怎样写一篇以My new school的英语作文 NEW SCHOOL英语作文,120字 关于my new school的英语作文字数写的少一点就可以谢谢 初二英语作文作文“My Sports” Sweet dreams ,beautiful!和外国人交流时,对方说Sweet dreams ,beautiful!逗号后面beautiful算什么意思? They hurried to move away the bricks and stones 同义句转换 Do they go to the hospital是什么意思 They go to the post office on foot的同义句 they don't go to the movies on Saturday.(改为同义句)改为同义句怎么改 throat这个单词的音标是什么谁帮帮 Why do you like Mary?Because she is ___ honest girl.A.a B.an C.the Why do you like Mary?-Because she is an honest girl.honest是以元音音素开头的单词,且girl是单数名词,所以其前要加不定冠词an,那么an修饰的是honest还是 girl.还是honest girl.为什么啊 I am sure she tells the______because she is an honest girl.true,list,science,to start with,purse 四氯化硅属于第几类危险品,用什么材质的罐子可以存储运输在线====迅速====谢谢==== 运输四氯化硅范什么罪补充一下 是给别人开车 就是司机 只是司机 如果判刑的话 要盘多长时间 谢谢 运输三氯氢硅和四氯化硅车辆的容积大概是多少 四氯化硅是什么状态