
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:52:24
all day all of the night 是谁唱的 用有的.有的.远远望去.造句,怎么造? everything of women's life can be changed in their twenties翻译 Evrything of women's life can be changed in ther twenties! Everything of women's destiny can be changed in their twenties用汉语怎么说呢 The life of American women changed a lot during1920s. 功夫不负有心人事例,谁有?快,要科学家的! 举出一个关于功夫不负有心人的真实案例(要求:必须是科学家) Sorry..I did not mean,I can not control sorry ,do not understand what do you mean The blue bag is the bigger of all.(对“The blue”进行提问应怎样改?) {What is the followings of day rains all day?}意思? (The blue) bag is the biggest of all.(对括号内部分提问) 求造句,补充完整,幸福是五彩缤纷的.天空的幸福是穿一身蓝.森林的幸福是?骏马的幸福是自由自在地在辽阔的草原上尽情奔跑.雄鹰的幸福是?医生的幸福是让病人恢复健康.老师的幸福是?() 22.To improve the quality of our products,we ask ____ has used them for suggestions.A.anyone B.who C.no matter who D.whoever23.I arrived late and missed the flight.I ____ the traffic to be so heavy.A.hadn’t expected B.haven’t expectedC.wouldn’t 英语问题she was near to tears (=almost crying) 我的疑问是这里的tear是什么词性,什么时态,为什么加s.若这里是三单那为什么后面的cry却用进行时? Intrigued,he took them into the kitchen and,much to the annoyance of his wife,washed the mud off them in the kitchen sink.请问这个词在这里是什么成份?如果是句子,那么句子其余的部分是什么? He got up and walked to the kitchen.同义句He got up and went to the kitchen _____ _______.还有一个:At last the fire was put out by the firemen.把被动语态改为主动语态 高中英语怎样上140分?如题,一直保持在130左右.想突破瓶颈啊.学长学姐们给点秘诀吧. Tom rushed into the kitchen to save his grandpa.(对划线部分提问)to save his grandpa是划线的_________ did Tom rushed into the kitchen. 高中英语怎么上140我现在高一,英语每次稳定在125至130分,我英语基础并不差,也有语感,但总是考不了高分.分析平时考试,听力扣1.5至4.5分(内容听得懂,但是听的时候经常分心),单项选择有时 高中英语如何上140我说准高三的学生,英语成绩保持在130分左右.听力从来都是满分,感觉最大的优势是单词量大,阅读部分一般错1到2道题,两篇作文一共扣2到3分.薄弱的部分是完形填空,我也有 高中英语的140的来我是11级四川考生,现在英语120左右,我想上140,但我理科也不是很好,所以每天不能花很多时间在英语上,现在我已经把高中所有单词背了一遍,每天也要花时间复习,我听力22.5左 I get into my wooden house by climbing a ladder改为同义句 八年级下册英语第八单元Reading就是Why don’t you learn to sing English songs?这篇,翻译 qing qiu bang mang fan yiNeversays“Iloveyou“ifyoudon’tcare.Nevertalkaboutfeelingifyouaren'tthere.Nevertouchalifeifyoumeantobreakaheart,Neverlookinto(观察)theeyeswhenallyoudoislie.Thecruelestthingaguycandotoagirlistoletherfallinlovewhenhedoesn 各大英语高手请进~A close mouth catches no flies中的flies什么意思 九年级英语13单元3a after you read答案 The little girl rushed into the house_____(tell)her mum the good news. 高中英语作文怎么扣分 英语每次都60几分 如何提高一点 安琪儿的英语怎么说