
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:39:57
(英语)根据答句选择问句___ ___your___?my name is Jenny___ is ___ ___her name is Linda___ ___ ___?fine,thank you.___ ___ ___ ___?my last name is Borwn. 看问句选择相应的答句(英语)1.How old are you?2.What day is it today?3.May I speak to Nancy?4.How do you feel now?5.What's weong with you?6.What does he usually do?7.Do you speak French?8.Where are you from?9.What time is it?10.Jump up 2句英语问句如何回答thank you very much sorrythat's OK that's all right that's right not at 英语短句求解释— May I take your coat?— Thanks.怎么翻 Though I speak wich the tongues,of men and of angels and have not charity.I am become as sou nding brass.or a tinkling cymbal.这是我新买银戒指上刻的,感觉样式不错就是不明白这英语是什么意思,请指教, 求英语短句解释hold an art festival in the hall 怎么解释其中hold又解释为什么 英语短句解释These speculators were willing to pay more for dollars in terms of marks because those rates guaranteed them such a substantial return.我想请问下,这句中的in terms 是投机者愿意付更多的美元,还是付更多的马 急.解释几个英语短句.1.at times2.at this time3.at the same time4.by the time要求翻译成中文, 三峡工程具有什么深远意义? 英语的特殊疑问句和普通遗问句,个两句本人只要问,不要答,OK? 问句的种类分为疑问句、设问句和什么? 你想对昔日三峡工程的建设者们说些什么 我想对昔日三峡工程的建设者们说 300字字数多一些, 郦道元笔下那雄奇险峻的三峡,已成为举世瞩目的水利工程.你想对昔日三峡工程的建设者们说些什么?请写300字左右短文. 英语翻译The first problem for all of us,men and women,is not to learn,but to unlearn. 注释 减译强调成分 减译类别词 减译政治高调 的英语翻译 英语翻译特点徽派民居大致还有以下几个特点 1.尊重自然山水大环境.古徽州对村落选址的地形﹑地貌﹑水流风向等因素都有周到的考虑,往往都是依山傍水,环境优美,布局合理,交通顺畅,建筑 英语:根据答句写问句!(1)A:_______________________________________? B:I often watch TV on the weekend.(2)A:_______________________________________? B:We have Chinese,English,maths and science on Monday.(3)A:______________________________ 给英语答句写问句He is an English boyI'm Chineseit is cheapwe are from americayou are a good boy我补充一下不是说我输入的是答句我输入的是肯定的回答你们要写的是一般疑问句 根据答句写问句(英语的)1.Q_______________________________________?A:He is tall and thin.2.Q_______________________________________?A:It's green.3.Q_______________________________________?A:The apples are mine.4.Q_________________________ 英语答句写问句1.A:______________________________________B:My mother is a doctor.2.A:______________________________________B:She works in the Children's Hospistal.3.A:______________________________________B:She goes to work by subway(地铁) 英语 解释一下85空一直到86空这段话!我不懂这个句子的意思.真诚相待!我在英语 解释一下85空一直到86空这段话!我不懂这个句子的意思. 英语翻译I hope you will like me,because I can not live without you 中文意思 根据问句,选答句答句:A.Have some chicken.B.See a doctor.C.Go hiking.D.Drink some water.E.Do housework.F.Watch TV.G.Stay in bed for a few days.H.Take some medicine.问句:1.Lily is sick.She has the flu.What should Lily not do?2.What should 根据答句选问句(1)A:____________?B:I often watch TY on the weekend.(2)A:____________?B:We have Chinsese,English,maths and science on Mondays.(3)A:____________?B:I have rice,fish and potatoes for lunch.(4)A:____________?B:No,Idon't go shopping o 读问句 选答句( )1.What's in your room?( )2.Is this your bedroom?( )3.What can you see in the room?( )4.What's this?A.It's a computerB.I can a big bedCYes,it isD.There is a photo and two plants 问句选答句比如A.What do yuo want to do 1.I want to buy a robotB.Where is the toy shop?2.It is on the first floora 1 b 2 我让你们找类似的 英语句子看不懂,求解释1) it does not matter the least.→ dose 可以换成其他助动词吗?→ 为什么使用the least 来形容?2)there appers to be a mistake.→ 整句句子理解不了→既然已经发生了,为什么appears 是 一句英语句子看不懂,在“英语聊聊”吧里面看到的:As a senior three student,I do have a lot of pressure.后半句为什么要在have前面加个do呢? 三峡工程有什么弊端?说心里话!我认为建三峡水库想是中国对祖宗的一种罪过,是一种罪孽!它将长江的一些名胜古迹给埋没了,难道政府就这样看这中国的祖宗之地变的如此的破烂吗?那你们太 《三峡工程的利与弊》 我要弊端的根据你所学的知识并查阅相关资料,写一篇论述长江三峡工程 弊 的小论文,要求观点鲜明,主题突出,立意准确,言之有理.字数在400~600字左右. 关于三峡工程的修建所带来的问题